Work Package 1
Project management, coordination and dissemination
Month 1 – Month 54
Lead Beneficiary Number and Lead Participant
1 (No.)
An efficient coordination of the research activities will be led by Fincon Consulting Italia S.R.L. The aims are to maintain a good communication between all partners and the EU, manage efficiently the possible risks, prepare and deliver the different project obligations, and to provide visibility of the project to the general public.
Task 1.1 – Project Management and Coordination
This task is focused on the management and coordination of the whole project.
Task 1.2 – Reporting
This assignment involves the preparation of the technical and administrative periodic reports to be submitted to the EU.
Task 1.3 – Dissemination
The goal of dissemination is to maximize the influence of research discoveries in the public domain. This will be done by organizing two dedicated Workshops (one at month 24 and one at end of project), publishing the Guidelines translated in 10 different languages, presenting the project to conferences, and creating and updating the Website based on the research findings.
Quality Assurance Plan
Stay update
on Project progress

The GREENVESTS project received funding from the European Union's RFCS-2022 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101112158.