Work Package 4
Corrosion and deterioration analyses
Month 7 – Month 48
Lead Beneficiary Number and Lead Participant
9 (No.)
This work package will be focused on the assessment of the response of the green façade in terms of durability and corrosion resistance. This will be done both by experimental studies, by means of accelerated environmental exposure tests, and by analytical modelling of the corrosion and deterioration process of vertical green wall structural elements.
Task 4.1 – Corrosion Tests
In this task, environmental resistance, and durability of five different materials and their relevant combinations in terms of steel grade, surface finishing, coatings, structural configuration will be assessed. In particular, the selection will tentatively involve an austenitic stainless-steel grade, a ferritic stainless-steel grade, weathered steel, manganese steel, a low alloy structural steel with relevant protective treatment (coating or passivating system).
Task 4.2 – Modelling of corrosion and deterioration process
Up to three most critical parts subjected to corrosion identified in T4.1 will be the focus of this task with the aim to give tools for comprehending and measuring processes that are influenced by external atmospheric variables. The Multiphysics models that will be developed with COMSOL software will represent a good support towards corrosion assessment techniques and will help with improving material selection for structural design.
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The GREENVESTS project received funding from the European Union's RFCS-2022 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101112158.