Work Package 6
Energy performance analyses,
l.c.a. & l.c.c.a
Month 19 – Month 48
Lead Beneficiary Number and Lead Participant
10 (No.)
Energy models for steel green facades are developed using transient state modelling, assessing performance in diverse configurations, building uses, and climates. Calculations determine energy demand for various buildings and climates. Life Cycle Assessment and Social Acceptance Analysis are performed, aiming to provide integration recommendations for building energy calculations.
Task 6.1 – Building Energy Performance Analyses
This task evaluates Steel Green Walls’ impact on energy performance and thermal comfort in Residential and non-residential buildings and two reference climates. It involves defining case study parameters, creating digital twins of reference buildings (CAD), specifying external conditions, modeling building thermal components and Energy behavior (TRNBUILD) and finally calculating Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of both building types in order to assess the advantages offered by the new facade element.
Task 6.2 – LCA & LCCA
The study involves conducting LCA and LCCA (focusing on OPEX), using Italmesh and J&G data following ISO standards phases to evaluate the environmental and economic benefits of steel green facades for retrofitting existing buildings. It considers factors such as thermal, hygrometric, acoustic performance, and resilience to wind and seismic loads. The TRNSYS model is utilized to compare energy consumption in buildings with and without steel green facades, enabling an assessment of their environmental and economic effects particularly in achieving energy savings to support commercialization prospects, including maintenance
Task 6.3 – Social Acceptance Analyses
Assessing social acceptance is crucial for the adoption of new technologies. A Social Life Cycle Assessment (follows UNEP-SETAC guidelines) will indicate the societal impact of the proposed solution throughout its entire life cycle. This assessment considers indicators like thermal comfort, aesthetics, IAQ, and end-of-life responsibility. Various Stakeholder will be considered and their feedback identifies obstacles and strategies to overcome them. In addition, Positive feedback supports dissemination and market adoption.
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The GREENVESTS project received funding from the European Union's RFCS-2022 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101112158.